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The Family Edition Switching Paradigms
with Life Coach & Serial Entrepreneur Kareem Jackson + Faith Without Walls Pastor Mike Operario
- PRAYER REVIVAL. Change the way you pray. Revive your prayer and you revive your blessings. Try praying from the position on gratitude, not from the position of need. Focus prayer on gratitude, not from a place of asking. Do this, and you will maximize your blessings and revive your soul. The Lord does not give unto thee more than what thee may appreciate. Appreciate…has two meanings. Gratitude and 2. To increase in value. You need to use both meanings to feel the true blessings in your life.
- YOUR SACRED LIST. Make your list now, because accountability is the key to success. List ‘the why’ you need to make a change and have your ‘personal revival’. Once you make your list, check it every day; in the morning, so that you have a daily reminder of your new purpose. Share the list with your family, friends, and others, so they can hold you accountable as well. This is not a goal list, a shopping, nor get rich list, this is a lifestyle and mindset list which will revive you.
- BE FEARLESS. FEAR is False.Evidence.Appearing.Real. Abolish fear from your life completely. The fear of failure, loss, rejection, judgment and the fear of success is the killers of dreams. A great way to revive your life, is to be fearless in seizing your blessings and living your dream on a daily basis. Being fearless symbolizes your faith in The Lord. You must surrender to the passion, dreams and life visions God has given you, and know in your heart that it is truly for you –and you alone. There is nothing to fear.
- CLEAN HOUSE. Change your circle. When you make the choice to have a personal revival, not everyone will deserve to be within your circle. Not everyone, will be able to ‘reach the mountain top’ with you. Everyone will not believe in your revival, and many will not empower you.
- WANT NOT, WASTE NOT. Shed your shit. Materialism and arrogance will ultimately ruin your life. “The meek shall inherit the earth…” means that those with less, have a God-Given advantage over those who have much. Moses freed the slaves and today we see the Egyptian dynasties are no more, however, the Jewish people are now some of the richest people on earth; such as Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Bloomberg. They are also some of the most-simple people on earth and are known for their humility and faith. Take a hard look at your life and get rid of all of the excess which clutters your existence and keeps you entrapped.
- BONUS: GET HELP. Get a prayer partner, mentor, coach, and/or a consultant. There is no shame in seeking the guidance, fellowship, and wisdom of someone who has gone ‘there’ before you. Many of us need people in our lives who will hold us accountable, as well as, guide the way down the path which we desire. Some may be beacons, while others shine a light for us to see clearly, while others may be a reflection and show us the truth within ourselves.
Join us LIVE! On The Set this Sunday Morning at 8am (USA) or Saturday Night 8PM (Philippines) for a special, enlightening and interactive conversation.
We will talk about these topics and more. In this time of struggle and change, many of us need a revival, a new way of seeing this new post-coronavirus world. You and your family are invited to pray with us, and to ask questions, give your testimonials and offer fellowship.
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