Entrepreneurial Success 101

THE PURPOSE of Entrepreneurship Success 101 Pre-Mixer is to teach the attendees/students “The Power of Networking” via osmosis and subliminally. In addition, to enable The Host, to see how/if the attendees/ students, already ‘know’ what ‘networking’ is. It also loosens everyone up, relaxes them and gets the attendees focused –as well as, gives a discussion platform for the seminar.
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Entrepreneurship Success 101 | eBook & Curriculum Booklet by Kareem Jackson & KA&CO International Business Development Firm (US LLC)
“Success is for everyone.”
We are celebrating 22-years of saying that -and proving it- to thousands, and thousands of entrepreneurs, newbies, and wanna-be-entrepreneurs from Kansas City to Hollywood, London to Manila, and now available worldwide digitally online!
Originally, The 101 Seminar was for college students, and transitional employees, looking to know what ‘being’ an entrepreneur was all about. They seek to find out,
“What are the sacrifices, what are the opportunities, and what is the ‘lifestyle’ all about? Really.”
Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle.
Win or lose, up or down, rich or poor, many of us choose this lifestyle for the freedom, the equity, and the legacy we can leave for our children, stakeholders, and the world.
I hope you enjoy it,
Kareem Jackson
Author, CEO, KA&CO International
“The contents of this book changed my life.”
-Kareem Jackson, Author
Entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon and a right of passage for many people around the world. In addition, small business entrepreneurs are the top employers globally. Despite what you see in the mainstream media, and in Western Civilization, the “mom and pop” shop is still the lifeblood of the global economy.
Today, post-US Segregation, post-2008 US Recession, post-BLM, and post-pandemic, The US and The UK are seeing a massive transition of wealth, and a ‘woke-ness’ of human values.
The Great Resignation is real, and The Entrepreneur Revolution is a global movement.
This ebook is the exact 4-hour, seminar curriculum with which I have taken; transitional staff at SPRINT, AT&T, MU (USA) students, and over 1,000 Asian students and entrepreneurs through at my sold-out seminars held at Universities and Organizations in the Philippines.
Before, in the US and the UK, base-level entrepreneurship was shunned. Most would seemingly rather take on massive debt, or leverage their equity, to hopefully win BIG!
Google bootstrapping, or the side-hustle, was something blacks/minorities did. But that side-hustle-mentality saved millions of them from homelessness during the US Pandemic.
Between shutdowns, lack of DEI, racism, and pre-existing health conditions; millions of Americans jumped into entrepreneurship, or turned their side-hustles into money-making businesses, and never returned to their full-time jobs.
Hence, “The Great Resignation”.
This book is designed to teach youth -or anyone- about the basics of entrepreneurship, as a lifestyle.
As you will see, it is still in its presentation format, and we purposely didn’t change it so that you as the reader could see the same footnotes and explanations, seen by the instructors. I felt this would allow you to teach others, or to learn a more in-depth understanding of the path I took to achieve my entrepreneurial success.
This is not a technical book, doesn’t touch on laws, as they are different depending on what country you are from and will be doing business in.
This is a lifestyle and visionary perspective which will get you on the right track to becoming a real entrepreneur. It’s not just about money or the things you see on Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. It’s about freedom, real life-changing choices, and opportunities that come with being an entrepreneur.
Kareem Jackson, Author, CEO, KA&CO America LLC
10-Steps To Entrepreneurial Success
Chapter by Chapter
- What is an entrepreneur –really?
- Know Your Lane…Defining Your Personal Success Goal.
- Know The Market…Not Yourself.
- The Law Of Attraction & The Power of Successful Networking.
- Vision. The Power of Successful Entrepreneurship.
- Sales &The Power of a Good Business Success Plan.
- How-To Start With NO (or little)CASH MONEY.
- Respect The Small Guys.
- Prepare To Sacrifice & Fail and
- Focus. Stop Talking. Start Doing.