OUTSOURCE Your Music Video…that is the candid conversation we are having this week LIVE! On The Set with Kareem Jackson, The Minimalist CEO.
We are showcasing (black) music entrepreneurs who made their dreams a reality by outsourcing their music video production to The Philippines.
Henry Johnson Jr. is a music producer from the United States who debuted one of his emerging artists, and, Branco Denaro is a rising rapper from Tanzania who just shot his first video.
Outsource Everything!: Outsourcing 101
(See the new ebook:…)

1. Why outsource?
2. What to outsource?
3. Where to outsource?
4. Cost Savings.
5. The Level-Up.
6. Working with Filipinos.
7. Advice For Newbie Outsourcers.
Join us live!
When you think of outsourcing, or offshore, exporting, or even subcontracting, images of big business, multinational companies, brands like AT&T, VERIZON, and Aetna come to mind.
But, the truth is that today; especially post COVI-19 Pandemic, the benefits of outsourcing, are available for small businesses, entrepreneurs, as well as, artists, celebrities, and professionals.
Outsourcing has given ‘the small guys’ the same development and branding abilities, access to top-tier professionals, and financial freedom, previously only available to big executives and wealthy people, just a decade ago.
Almost everything; from logo design and animation, website design, development, management, and promotion, to textiles, fashion designers, secretaries, executive assistants, and even, music video production, can all be outsourced now.
What’s The Silver Lining and Competitive Advantage for Small Business Entrepreneurs?
‘Outsourcing’ to large companies, is usually about cost-savings and tax havens. Sometimes, it has to do with leverage, government regulations, economies of scale, or market penetration.
The advantages of outsourcing to small business entrepreneurs is much larger than that. To an entrepreneur, ‘time is money’ and ‘time is limited’ so they are always conscious about their time management, even in their daily lives.
However, outsourcing redundant tasks, or background duties, sales, marketing, or production, gives us back massive amounts of time we did not have before, which held us back and made it hard for us to ‘compete’ in the marketplace.
For example, A logo in the United States a decade ago could cost from $250 to $1,000. So, large companies (with designers on staff), would brand not only their businesses, corporations, but also their services, products, and events. That level of professionalism was not available for the small guys and made it impossible to compete with branding.
But now; professionals are entrepreneurs too, and the internet, coupled with global-banking gives the small business owner, the same economic-conversion power as the large corporations. That makes that same; formerly out of reach logo design, outsourced for $5 to $100 and there are even apps for that available.
Another example: is videography services outsourcing. Professionals doing filming, photography, editing, and animation are now also entrepreneurs.
A decade ago, there was no way a small business or entrepreneur could imagine having a fabulous logo, then the logo animation, the videography for his/ or her menu items, food, or deck building, landscaping, salons, events, presentations, using doodle and whiteboard videos, or tutorials, and even, making music videos.
As more and more small business entrepreneurs get into outsourcing, we will see another huge transfer of wealth, much like what happened in the American Recession of 2008.
Due to the Coronavirus, and subsequent global lockdowns, over 40 million professionals and workers in America are now unemployed, and estimated 100 million globally.
Many of them with a preexisting condition, or working for companies, or at jobs which will never come back. Many of them, will discover the beauty and freedom of entrepreneurship, especially the ones with professional skills, technical, marketing, and sales skills.
Let’s talk about it…