Today, every publisher in the world knows the future is online. The ‘new norm’ is all about digital solutions. Therefore, for savvy free-seeking publishers, and creatives, the future is very exciting because that takes the focus off of costly printing, annoying distribution, over-rated launch parties, and puts the focus on digital publishing. The ‘in-print’ copies are now for ‘VVIP’ readers, or exclusive distribution, and in-lobby copies for advertisers.
Distribution Today.
Today readership and content distribution are limitless! Not only can we reach consumers –and subsequent advertisers- globally, but we can also target consumers specifically based on their true-demographics.
Ultimately, we can be massively more effective for our clients by creating targeted copywriting, niched messaging, specific imaging, and offer global exposure.
I have “9 Steps To Take Your Magazine Digital, Go Global & Reinvent Your Niche”
Let’s talk about it…
- CONCEPTUALIZATION: Vision is the most valuable skill of every entrepreneur and you must be able to ‘see’ what you intend to become before, you can articulate it to your team, your readers, and your advertisers.
- TIMING Is CRUCIAL: Will you be Bi-Annual, QUARTERLY, or a MONTHLY MAGAZINE? Remember, digital content can be real-time, daily, (such as with events), and the ‘magazine can be something else.
- Get A Website App: Your readers will appreciate and app, and your advertisers will too. There is no need for a ‘full robust app’ but, a linking, or short-cut app, is ideal, and allows your magazine, per issue, to be available on The APP Store, or GOOGLE Play.
- Heavy Promotion: Make Promotional Banners and make sure everyone knows you have a new way to receive your publication –with exclusive digital features and content. This IS NOT a reaction to the Pandemic, and should not be conveyed as such –unless it is marketed as a solution to reach readers on lockdown. However, on the contrary, this is an opportunity to ‘innovate’ and ‘level-up’ your publication, and readership.
- Exclusive Digital Content + Features: COPYWRITING for digital readers is different. It can be done in real-time, and it can be interactive. The content writers for digital content, are usually, in addition to your regular article writers. Technically, digital content writers ‘re-brand’ and ‘re-purpose’ writing done by traditional writers. Additionally, advertisers can come from anywhere in the world, who seek your demographic for their product, services, or tourism.
- Publish Your Entire Magazine Digitally: UP TO 180-PAGE MAGAZINES are ideal for a digital edition, and some are as large as 200+ pages. Promotions are done, per ad, or niche market, then, they can be linked to content/pages/sections in the magazine.
- Digital Copies Available On Your Website: Your existing website is the place for hosting and driving new digital readers to. The ‘magazine’ now can become an invaluable funneling tool to drive traffic to your full-robust-website, as well as, the complete content –and other advertisers.
- SET UP A PAYPAL: Even though my magazines and publications were free, or complimentary for nearly 20-years, now, I am able to offer the magazine free on some platforms, and for a small ‘donation’ or purchase price for others. Have yourself a PayPal set-up, or other online payment option.
- VIDEOS ARE MOST-EFFECTIVE: Another ability is to have promotional videos, tutorials, even print advertisers, which can also have their commercials available within your ‘digital’ magazine content.
- PRINT VS. DIGITAL COST: Lastly, as some may decide to maintain printing, limited-printing, exclusive printing, and others may decide to focus 100% on digital and online distribution. So, decide: What are you spending on printing now, and, how many REAL-readers do you have? Do you have a website? Do your readers/advertisers/fans/event-goers also have social media and do they visit your website –if you have one? If you took the entire cost of ‘printing’ (including media kits, and other collaterals), and you allocated it to online and digital venture, would you be effective?
- BONUS | GO GLOBAL! Digital Media Sales Kit: Your New “Internationally Distributed, In-Print, Online & Digital Magazine Media Sales Kit” needs to be developed, and include the new features and new (or robust) pricing.
For any insights or to talk about how we can help you to turn your print magazine into a bestselling digital magazine, email me:
Also See:
Print vs. Digital
How I Went From Print To Digital
Lauch Your Own eBook or eMagazine
The Importance of Digital Magazine Advertising
Earn More With Digital Magazine Advertising